Kropsmodellering også for mænd
Kropsmodellering (Bodycontouring) vinder hastigt frem i disse år, og på Plastikkirurgisk Center Aros Privathospital har vi været med fra start for 5 år siden. Kropsmodellering udføres ved en kombineret liposuction og lipotransplantation med sigte på en mere harmonisk kropskontur. Det er primært kvinder, vi har behandlet. Typiske ønsker er reduktion af uønskede ridebukser eller ammehåndtag med samtidig tilførsel af ekstra fylde til og bedre form af barmen.
Der er en del enkle muligheder også for mænd til forbedring af kropskonturerne, som kan opnås med simpel liposuction, evt. suppleret med fedttransplantation. Fx. har du dansehåndtag, så kan fedtet bruges til at forstørre brystkassen.
// Uddrag fra artiklen - New Body Contouring Technique in Male: The Muscular Sculpture Springer Science+Business Media New York / Published online: 29 January 2015
Optimal male body contouring considers the entire body and drapes tight skin over the muscles. Males have pride in the appearance of their muscular development. There should be a deliberate effort to achieve an athletic body contour that reveals superficial musculature and selectively highlights adherences. We describe a new technique of male body contouring to achieve tight skin that very well reveals muscular bulk and accentuates adherences; minimal observable scars; a male muscular and athletic body, even for patients who are not, nor have been in the past, bodybuilders. Normal-weight and overweight patients need one operative step, in which the fat is removed and the muscles are sculpted at the same time by using selective liposuction, and if necessary, the fat is repositioned through lipofilling. The ex-obese patients need two operative steps: in the first, we perform abdominoplasty with inguinal scar (to remove the excess abdominal tissue and to lift the pubis) and periareolar scar (to breast lift and reduction); in the second, we sculpt the muscles and the adherences by selective liposuction. In all male patients, the authors strive to achieve a trapezoid chest and sculpted pectoralis major muscle, pronounced alba and semilunar lines, evident muscular bulk, and adherences in both the abdomen and extremities.
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